Medicare 101
Basic intro to Medicare
On this page, we focus on life and health insurance choices that can impact your achieving and maintaining your retirement goals, help you avoid unnecessary wealth transfers, and/or help you save money in some day-to-day expenses.
Attend one of our retirement classes to learn how you can use life insurance to enhance your lifestyle during retirement.
Since healthcare costs can rapidly eat away retirement dollars, we offer Medicare beneficiaries consulting to help select from Medicare Supplement (Medi-Gap), Part D or Part C (Medicare Advantage) plan options. Attend our Medicare 101 class to expand your understanding of the options commonly used to cover healthcare expenses in retirement.
Dental and vision costs can suddenly create a significant expense, so planning for these known events can help ease the frustration when the need occurs. We offer direct quotes as a value-added service for VSP Vision Care and DeltaCare USA, a Delta Dental HMO (Broker# 192684). Call us directly at 714-719-0048 to find out about other available PPO plans that may be right for you.
Auto insurance and homeowner’s insurance are not addressed here. With many insurance carriers leaving the State, if you need help in this area, ask us and we can refer a property and casualty (P&C) insurance broker in our area.
Medicare Disclaimer:
We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 11 organizations which offer 65 products in your area. Please contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your plan options
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